a crusade against the truth and those who speak it

In the wee hours of the morning last Tuesday, officially marked as 6:06am MT, the Colorado House of Representatives voted to pass the “Colorado Election Security Act” (SB22-153). It currently awaits Governor Polis’ signature — a final stroke of the pen to enshrine the death of the Republic.

Over in the Judicial Branch, Secretary Griswold is winning her crusade against transparency. Last week, Clerk Schroeder handed over the Elbert County machine images that he preserved prior to the infamous “Trusted Build,” otherwise known as the software update that deleted evidence of vote manipulation in the Dominion machines. Secretary Griswold now holds all the cards — and all the evidence — in Elbert County.

Then there’s Mesa County, where you could argue our great awakening to the reality of these machines in Colorado (and everywhere else they’re used) began. On Tuesday, May 10, 2022, a Mesa County Court Judge ruled to remove Clerk Tina Peters as the Designated Election Official (DEO) for Mesa County.

“The Court’s decision today bars Peters from further threatening the integrity of Mesa’s elections and ensures Mesa County residents have the secure and accessible elections they deserve,” said Griswold. “As Secretary of State, I will continue to provide the support and oversight needed to ensure the integrity of Colorado’s elections.”

Jena Griswold, Partisan Hack for Hire

The court granted Griswold’s request to appoint Brandi Bantz as the DEO. It is rumored in Mesa County that Bantz alerted Griswold to Clerk Peters’ plans in August 2021 to attend Election Cyber Symposium in Sioux Falls, SD, including the details of her travel plans. Immediately upon leaving for the event, Secretary Griswold and a militarized force ransacked Peters’ office before harassing and dismissing her staff. Is Bantz being rewarded for her loyalty? The Party always rewards loyalty.

vindicated. still persecuted.

Tina Peters has been repeatedly vindicated by the findings of multiple expert-generated, peer-reviewed reports, including the three Mesa County Forensic Reports, the Antrim County Audit Report from December 2020, the Maricopa Audit Report and, most recently, the preliminary findings from the full forensic audit of Otero County, NM. All of these reports and more evidence can be found on useip.org and electionfraud20.org.

Despite overwhelming evidence that Jena Griswold is guilty of election crimes (at best) and is engaging in a massive cover up, all branches of Colorado government appear to have her back.

Local checks on state power are neutralized with the Colorado Election Security Act and, combined with Jena’s current lawfare in Colorado, the “balance of powers” has achieved mythological status.

you have no voice. just accept it.

Jena doesn’t operate alone. As I’ve covered since last fall, the Mesa County Commissioners are fully engaged in Jena’s plan for total dominion.

On Thursday, May 19, 2022, the Mesa County Board of Commissioners will hear from District Attorney Dan Rubenstein on the substance and allegations contained within the third Mesa County Forensic Image Report.

While I hope for a fair hearing, I’d be more optimistic that we’d get one if the Commissioners had scheduled a balanced hearing that included the experts who created the report.

They didn’t do that.

They scheduled a meeting for Dan Rubenstein to provide a meaningless overview of someone else’s analysis of deeply technical subject matter that he doesn’t understand. According to the agenda, they’ve called no additional witnesses.

Worse, on Monday, the Commissioners cancelled public comment.

you read that right: they cancelled public comment

At first, the original notice stated for people to sign up at 8:00am on the day of the hearing.

Then, at 3:15pm Monday afternoon, the agenda was modified to remove public comment.

Interestingly, around 2:30pm on Monday afternoon, a source in Mesa County told me that they were, at that moment, working to get people sign up for public comment.

According to the “Rules of Decorum,” public comment is in effect unless “modified by the chair.”

The chair is Cody Davis.

Like Jena Griswold, the Mesa County Commissioners have repeatedly shown hostility to their constituents and anyone else who asks them to remember their oaths of office and commit themselves to the truth.

Should we expect more of the same? Or can we demand better?

It really is up to us.

Want to hear more from me? Tune into @conservativedaily, 10MT/12ET every Monday through Friday, on LindellTV, Rumble and everywhere else you get your podcasts!

Make your voices heard! Email and call the Mesa County commissioners and demand that they allow both third party experts and public comment during this hearing. Additional ways to engage in this hearing and stay informed will be announced soon.

Cody Davis: Mesa County Commissioner, District 1
(970) 244-1605

Scott, McInnis: Mesa County Commissioner, District 2
(970) 244-1604

Janet Rowland: Mesa County Commissioner, District 3
(970) 244-1606


  1. Lee Pinkard Avatar

    This is a sad day. A day when we realize that third world politics have taken hold in America. Maybe this is not new. Maybe we have just started to wake up! Just come out of the pod as in the movie The Matrix! What is the road ahead? Who is with us? What will it take to break the back of tyranny? How do we now stop the steal going forward? Feels like this fight is just starting. An now we learn that the Republican establishment is just as corrupt as the Democrats! Just sneakier!


  2. Colorado Conservative Avatar

    Below is the email message I received from Commissioner Rowland when I contacted the Commissioners. Not sure how accurate it is but I wanted to share it with Ashe in America readers. I personally believe UniParty vote fraud likely happened in ALL 64 Colorado counties in the 2020 election and God only knows how many others before it.

    “The meeting on Thursday isn’t a hearing, it’s a briefing from our DA following his investigation of Report #3. There has been some confusion about the meeting because of the location. We are meeting in our public hearing room, not because it is a public hearing where we will make an official decision about something, but because we wanted to make the DAs information more available to the public. We typically have these types of briefings in our conference room, but we wanted to make it available to the public to hear from the DA in person. The Commissioners won’t be making a decision at this hearing, which is why we won’t be taking public comment.

    All meetings that include two or more commissioners are always public meetings, and the public is always welcome to attend. Public comment is only included when official decisions are made, such as instituting new county policies or entering into a contract, and only by residents of our county. For the meeting on Thursday, the board will not be taking any formal action. We are hearing a briefing from the DA about his findings at his request.

    Because Report #3 involved an allegation of fraud, the DA has an obligation to investigate it. Because the county is the potential victim, he is sharing his finding with us, along with his decision about filing charges, as he would with any victim.

    The purpose of this meeting is not for the commissioners to seek feedback on the DAs investigation. We don’t do that with any other investigation or decision by the DA. The commissioners have no authority over the DA. Those who have concerns about his findings, should speak to him directly.



    1. asheinamerica Avatar

      You heard the lady! Those who have concerns should speak to the DA.


      1. Don Avatar

        Seems like we should now be calling on our county Sheriff to conduct what the DA said he wouldn’t, a criminal investigation of the entire saga.


  3. […] for them Tina had the opportunity of displaying this on a national level. For those who wish to Make America Great Again Tina Peters is actively doing […]


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