guest post: you might be an election integrity nerd if…

Tonight I went with two friends to see Dinesh D’Souza’s new film, 2000 Mules. The film was well worth the hype, and I encourage everyone to go see it. Instead of writing a recap of the evening, I want to share my girl Patriot Amy‘s recap of our evening. I was with her — you can guess which friend I was.


You might be an election integrity nerd if…

  • You got very excited about the premiere of “2000 Mules and invited your Election Integrity friends to join you, then you quickly bought your ticket before they sold out. (You secretly hoped they would sell out, but you weren’t 100% sure, but then you were ecstatic to find out YES, they sold out.)
  • You decided to “make an evening of it” complete with dinner plans. Like a nerd.
  • You carpooled to the movie with one Election Integrity friend to meet up with another Election Integrity friend for dinner, bumped into 2 more Patriots at dinner, and spent the whole drive to dinner on speaker phone with yet another Election Integrity friend who lives too far away to join you at the movie.
  • You and your nerd friends arrived 40 mins early for the movie, and you sat between them. Someone comes over and asks where the Colorado Ass Kickers group people are sitting and all three of you raise your hands and wave, to the delight of the person who asked.
  • You get great seats and soon realize you know at least a dozen people who are also in the theater to see “2000 Mules.” Your Election Integrity friends introduce you to their Election Integrity friends, and expressions of happiness and wonder abound as you realize you are meeting in person people you have been working with on Telegram for months, in various Election Integrity groups, but until now you only knew them by their Telegram handles. You smile and realize, this is your life now.
  • While waiting for the film to start, your Election Integrity friend on your left hands out fliers about Election Integrity (made by a different Election Integrity friend), with more info about how they can get involved in Election Integrity in your state. The Election Integrity friend on your right makes an announcement about the flyers to the entire theater, and explains the Election Integrity bill that is literally on the floor for its third reading at that exact time.
  • The Election Integrity friend on your right starts live streaming the Election Integrity bill hearing. It’s very loud, because of course she wants everyone around you to be informed and know what’s going on with the Election Integrity bill. She’s inclusive like that.
  • Then the Election Integrity friend on your left finishes handing out flyers and starts streaming the same Election Integrity bill hearing. This might be cool if it were in stereo, but it’s not because there is a delay. So you are hearing your favorite House Representative (because you’re an Election Integrity nerd, so of course you have a favorite House Rep) filibustering on the terrible bill that will further even more election fraud. You fuss at your friends that only ONE of them needs to stream the Election Integrity bill hearing, especially so LOUD and with you sitting in the middle and hearing the two streams which are not synced, but you secretly kinda like it anyway. (Because you’re a nerd.)
  • The movie starts and the anticipation is thick. (Nerds.)
  • During the movie, you and your Election Integrity friends shout things at the screen, as if you were all alone in your own homes, yelling at the mainstream media and booing the real-world villains of the Deep State. Except you’re not alone, the theater is packed and the enthusiasm of your posse might be considered slightly obnoxious at this point. But not once do you get shushed, which is encouraging (not that shushing would have stopped you… if shushing you didn’t work at State Assembly, it’s certainly not gonna work here.)
  • You cry in sadness near the beginning of the movie as you experience PTSD watching footage you haven’t seen since that traumatic night of November 3, 2020.
  • You cry again near the middle of the movie when you find out just how big the ballot trafficking was, and as big as it was, it was only one of dozens of ways they cheated, and the smoking-gun-evidence-portrayal of this huge cheating represents crimes in less than 5% of America.
  • You feel validated knowing that there is massive, colossal evidence and more than four million minutes of film footage of hundreds of thousands of ballots being trafficked in just a handful of cities across America. You now know the last 17 months of your blood, sweat, and tears poured into Election Integrity efforts have not been in vain, and this movie is opening the eyes of those who maybe thought you were “being a bit dramatic” or that “maybe it’s time we all move on.” There is no moving on after a stolen election… there is only the New World Order, period. We cannot, we will not, ever let this go. And to see on the big screen the very thing you have been saying, been fighting for, been educating people about for a year and a half… well, these are happy tears indeed. Especially since you now know that True the Vote not only has video footage… they also have the matching cell phone ping data to identify those on the video.
  • You cry one more time near the end of the film, this time from anger and virtue, upon once again seeing evidence that the cheaters on the left don’t care who they hurt. They steal votes from the mentally incapacitated, from the elderly, from the poor, from the less educated, from the marginalized. They do it all under the guise of nonprofits that are supposed to be helping people! They are thieves and predators, and they need to be held accountable for their crimes. You suspect you’re not the only one crying, and your will to continue your Election Integrity efforts is redoubled. 
  • When the film is over, you spend the next half hour talking with (and further red-pilling) the folks who sat next to your group, and one of your Election Integrity friends says, “Let’s watch it again when it streams this Saturday!”
  • As soon as you leave the theater, you put the Election Integrity bill hearing back on and stream it the whole way home. 
  • Then you get home and make a new post on your Election Integrity blog, and you write about what it means to be an Election Integrity nerd.   
  • Yes, you and your friends are Election Integrity nerds, and you decide that’s a good thing, because it sure as hell beats being the only one who knows the “Gold Standard” is the BIG LIE. You feel happy and proud and fortified to have such God-fearing warriors alongside you, and you all live to fight another day. 

I can neither confirm nor deny whether or not all of these things happened to me tonight. I can only say that “2000 Mules” was an excellent documentary that everyone should watch and share with all your normie friends. Establishment Republicans need to see this film most of all, even more than Democrats.

Well done, Mr. D’Souza. Well done indeed.


  1. presidentdonaldjtrump45 Avatar

    Anything about Ashli Babbit, 35-years-old, Huntington, Maryland Murdered by DC Policeman Howard Liebengood and Roseanne Boylan, 34-years-old, Kennesaw, Georgia Murdered by DC Policeman Jeffrey Smith?
    Who both committed suicide.


    1. asheinamerica Avatar

      I didn’t know those two cops committed suicide. Thanks for letting me know, I’ll check it out. No, J6 was minimal in the film but painted in an appropriate light I think.


  2. wrongheifer Avatar

    You are a true patriot Ashe and I am darned proud to be an election integrity nerd too!


  3. Colorado Conservative Avatar

    Was at the movie on May 4th as well. Loved the lively crowd that booed and cheered during the movie. Enjoyed meeting the people sitting beside us too. The movie was indeed spectacular. We ordered the DVD with plans to hold free movie nights in our town using the library facilities open to citizens.


  4. Linda Taylor Avatar

    I wear the “EIN” title with pride thanks to you and USEIP!! Getting the popcorn ready for Saturday!


  5. jerry Avatar

    I passed out cards to to almost everyone in the theater. I wasn’t fast enough to get to the very front people who decided to leave right after the movie. No one declined to take my cards.


  6. Cliff Andersen Avatar

    God bless the Election integrity Nerds!


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