correction: brown never asked thorne his party affiliation prior to allowing him on the gop assembly ballot (video)

For over 24 hours I searched for this video exchange during the Colorado Assembly last Saturday.

I tracked down the videographer, who didn’t capture the exchange. 13 different people sent me their videos of Thorne’s acceptance speech — all of which had stopped the recording before this back and forth.

Eventually, I resorted to human sources, gathering as many first hand accounts of what happened before publishing the most common account.

And then, Linda Opines tells me TODAY that she has the video. Linda and I went to the convention together and shared a room, and we talk multiple times a day. Sigh.

memory bias is a real thing

The majority remembered that Bathhouse Brauchler objected to Thorne’s status as a Republican, but it turns out, the majority remembered it wrong.

Turns out, Brauchler asked the qualifications for the office, and KBB asked Brownstein, Hyatt, Farber and Schreck attorney Chris Murray to read them. You will remember BHFS as the registered lobbyist for Dominion Voting Systems. They also employ the Colorado GOP’s general counsel. NBD.

Murray reads the qualifications, and there is no mention of party affiliation. It didn’t come up.

Rather, KBB asked Thorne to affirm his status with the Colorado Supreme Court, and Thorne says he believes he will be granted reciprocity with the Colorado Bar given his good standing with the Texas Supreme Court for 40 years.

But no mention of party affiliation. This may strengthen Thorne’s challenge to Brown’s post-assembly disqualification, as the objection was heard and she allowed him on the ballot.

it’s still all about controlling the outcome

I maintain that Brauchler and KBB didn’t have any issue with Thorne’s candidacy until he took 42.5% of the delegates and they realized Kellner’s unpopularity with the people.

Now they want to disqualify the challenger. So, in other words, it’s politics as usual.

Remember that when Kristi and Priscilla clutch their pearls and cry decorum. That’s just disingenuous outrage from disingenuous actors.


  1. wrongheifer Avatar

    Brilliant… as usual Ashe!!!!


  2. Patrick McBride Avatar

    I met and spoke with Mr. Thorne at Ron Hanks after party. I asked him if he realized the snake pit he was entering into. I believe he is ready to fight against the Colorado Cabal.


    1. asheinamerica Avatar

      How are you Patrick? I haven’t seen you in ages! Thorne’s eyes are wide open — he knows what’s he gotten into.


  3. Pamela Jackson Avatar

    Thorne, if allowed on the ballot, has a real potential to win, and to do great things for Colorado. I am backing him 100%.


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