After the Fire: Colorado Communities Respond to the Boulder County Marshall Fire

Happy New Year, everyone! 

I have been neglecting this space lately, and I resolve to write more regularly in 2022. Hold me to it, guys.

Today, however, I had to write. The past 72hours have been intense — this story needs to be told. And I am honored to know most of the people you’re going to read about.

fire in colorado…in almost january

First a little background. If you’re not in Colorado, then you likely heard about Thursday’s fires in passing. The official narrative is that downed power lines caused fires in several communities across Superior, Louisville, Boulder, and surrounding areas. That said, it was reported earlier this evening that the fires are being investigated as arson. Regardless, the high winds swept through the communities, carrying the fire all over, and our lack of precipitation this year essentially made Boulder County a tinderbox. As a result there are an estimated 1,000+ homes lost.

And I do mean lost. Take a look at this video from a helicopter flying over the area yesterday. Absolute destruction.

There has been excellent reporting on the devastation this caused in Boulder County and the surrounding areas and, as I write this, there are still three people missing. Notice the subheader in that last link from the Colorado Sun: “Boulder County Sheriff Joe Pelle called it a miracle Friday that no one had been killed in the fire, which destroyed at least 991 homes. But officials now say he had not been properly briefed.”

What else were they wrong about?

a quickly evolving situation

We were up in Keystone for a few days, where I was too sick to ski (typical), and were headed home Thursday morning. We slowly made our way down I-70, being blown all over the road due to the high winds, inching along at about 5mph for a good stretch. 

Sometime during that drive, I got a message from Holly that there was a fire – and she was telling me because her sister’s farm was in potential danger. I was feeling helpless and started praying. News was vague, so I took to Telegram to see what was up. 

That Tesla store is right by the Superior Sports Stable where my oldest plays hockey sometimes. I hear the Sports Stable is OK! Photo Credit: Denver Post

Many of the affected farmers and homesteaders needed to quickly escape and, due to the spaced out nature of the fires, there was no time or safe way to get their animals out of danger.

“They might just have to let the animals go and hope for the best.”

Holly, in the midst of the fire uncertainty on Thursday
A horse flees the fire. Poor girl. Photo Credit: Denver Post

a young woman beyond her years

As if those pictures aren’t mindblowing enough, here is a video of Holly’s niece, Elle (17), fighting the fire in their field to keep it from lighting up the barn and house. Elle and her dad, Luke, worked through the night.

They held the fire line, which was 500 meters from their home. They saved their barn, their home, their neighbor’s home, and all the livestock and animals between the two farms.

the story of luke and elle middleton
Video courtesy of Luke Middleton. According to Luke and Elle, that video shows the calm part. There were moments when the fire was all around them.  

True courage. I am sure Elle now has a level of confidence in her abilities that most humans never achieve. If she doesn’t, she should. I’m now president of her fan club.

Luke and Elle Middleton, the morning after heroically saving their and their neighbors farms. Photo Credit: Heather Middleton

When I asked Elle what was going through her head that night, she said:

“Initially, I was was just hoping my house didn’t burn down. My parents worked really hard to buy that house, and I could couldn’t imagine how my parents would feel if they lost their dream home. When my dad told us that there was a chance to save it, I was all on board. I trust my dad completely so I really wasn’t that scared. I wanted to keep him out of trouble, too.

When we got to the house we scanned the property. Everything was fine until we got to the neighbor’s mare field which connects to ours. The fire stretched across the whole thing. We started putting that part out. This was when the (above) video was filmed. We took a break after putting out that fire but came back to an even stronger fire. As we were putting it out the wind shifted and like engulfed my dad and I. It was insane! I was freaking out because I couldn’t breath and my dad was coughing and crying from the smoke. It was intense.”

Elle Middleton
Well done, Heather and Luke. Well done.

Today, Elle and her mom Heather went over to their old neighborhood, which was decimated. You can hear Heather in the video say, “That’s Elle’s room. Still burning.” It’s rubble covered in snow.

Video courtesy of Heather Middleton. When Heather sent me that video, she said, “We moved from there 18 months ago. That could have been us.”

The devastation is unreal. Everyone is still in shock.

After the fire. Taken today, this is the fire line that Luke and Elle held. They were aided from time to time by fire fighters who gave them tips and helped when they could. Photo courtesy of Heather Middleton.

“our neighbors need help”

While on Telegram, I caught up with my friend Memphis, who had already sprung into action coordinating supplies from unaffected patriots around the front range. Memphis is an incredible leader in our close-knit, freedom-loving community, and he has pretty much the whole state wired in terms of support networks. He immediately began organizing trailers, feed, and other supplies necessary to help our struggling neighbors. The circumstances and needs were changing by the minute and everyone began to jump in and help where they could. When I contacted him for comment, he declined and preferred that I put others in the spotlight to receive the credit. That’s so Memphis.

This video is of 30+ horse trailers heading to the area Thursday night to help catch fleeing animals and get them out of harms way. Video credit of CBSN Denver. Thanks Memphis for sending it.

Down in Palmer Lake, my good friend Alice had set up a donation center at O’Malley’s Irish Pub. O’Malleys is a favorite of ours because the owners love freedom and they are always in the fight with us. The food is great, the atmosphere as well, and it’s a bit of a rally point for the patriot community down south. Donations poured in, and last I heard there were FOUR full trailers heading up to the Boulder Marshall Fire area to bring relief.

“Honestly, this was God,” Alice told me.

“A couple of years ago we wouldn’t have had these networks in place to respond so quickly to a disaster of this magnitude. To see the people come together, what the power of us together can do, essentially overnight, is incredible. And God did that.” 

Alice Jensen

Alice also told me that a woman who lost her sister to covid earlier this year, and whose son is vaccine injured, showed up, “bawling,” with all of her sister’s clothes, saying, “This is the hardest thing I’ve ever done. But this is what my sister would have wanted.”

Denise, who runs the O’Malley’s food truck — which is currently blocked in by all the donation trailers — was blown away by the support.

“We will be loading tomorrow again from 10-1. Please extend our gratitude to all that donated and stepped up to volunteer. The Focus on the Forest’s Woodland Park and Monument chapters did a lot of the work and deserve recognition! I was truly overwhelmed by the love and generosity. I cried multiple times seeing the community pull together!”

Denise, O’Malley’s

Joe Oltmann and the United American Defense Force (UADF), a humanitarian organization that is always on the front line of protecting Americans, organized both on-the-ground support as well as supply runs. I have several close compatriots in UADF, and Joe has become family to me over the past year.  These incredible humans spent the morning staging, organizing volunteers, and doing what they could for the affected families. 

Steph Lee, FEC United Communications Director, shared a statement with me from the FEC United Outreach Team.

“FEC United and community members are taking donations for gift cards, water, non-perishable food, pet food, horse feed, baby items, blankets, clothes, and toiletries. Volunteers are needed to offer temporary shelter to evacuees, stalls/pastures for horses, and haul items to needed locations for evacuees and emergency service workers, regardless of vaccination status or political affiliation. Believe it or not, unvaccinated Americans are experiencing first-hand discrimination while trying to find temporary shelter for their families. It’s time for action that walks the talk. Let’s care for our neighbors. Visit to sign up as a volunteer or make a donation.”

FEC United Outreach Team

The electricity has returned to many of the communities, but Heather told me that many of the houses that are still standing have gas heat — so they have power but no heat. If you can donate or loan heaters to a family in need that is much appreciated. It will help those whose houses are still standing be able to help their neighbors. Plus, it’s freezing.

When I asked Oltmann for comment for this piece, his instinct was to thank everyone else (notice a theme?), sharing:

“Boulder County needs everyone to stand together. I want to thank the many organizations that FEC United has been able to coordinate with to help these families. New friendships have been forged, and it is a blessing when people see truth outside of the radical media who look to divide. If you want to volunteer or give or even host a family, you can visit our website and sign up to join us in serving our neighbors.”

Joe Oltmann

Later in the day, I connected with my girl, Cougar, who was hard at work as well. From all over the state, Colorado Patriots continue to find and fill needs. Like Memphis and FEC United, Cougar was speaking to people wanting to donate from Pueblo, Grand Junction, Greeley and elsewhere. Hundreds of people showed up to help. I even saw, today, a group of amazing humans that were building sifters for the people to be able to find their belongings among the ash once they are allowed back in.

Thanks to Elbert Patriot for sharing these photos from a Facebook post. I’m not on Facebook.

This is a time for action. No one in our community was whining or opining about the fires. They are acting and pouring out love and support. Also note that these are not disconnected efforts. Everyone is talking and sharing and adapting, together.

I am so proud of my people. 

In talking with Cougar, however, I learned that not all support efforts were so inspiring. I’ve heard this all over, but no one put it so succinctly (or as without profanity) as Cougar, stating bluntly, “The vaxxed will only take the vaxxed. The unvaxxed have offered their homes to everyone.”

And there it is.

emergency discrimination: papers please

This isn’t just hearsay. As always, I have receipts. And before you accuse me of politicizing a natural disaster, remember that we’ve been told vaccination is not political. Repeatedly. For over a year. And so, I give you the other community in Colorado.

Thanks to Julie P for sharing these from Facebook. This is why I am not on Facebook. Trash.

Now, I’d rather sleep at a rest stop than share a space with these people, but think about what they are saying for a moment. Think about the unvaccinated people and their experience. 

You’ve just lost everything. Your pets are missing. Your home is essentially a smoldering hole in the ground (curiously surrounded by green, untouched trees). You’re in shock, but you have to keep moving for your children. Your instinct is to find somewhere to stay, settle your mind, and figure out what to do next. So, you go on Facebook to see if anyone nearby has a place for you to stay. 

Then you essentially hear, “Sorry, your tragedy is terrible, but you can catch and spread covid so you’re not welcome here. Nevermind that I can also catch and spread covid because my vaccine doesn’t work, but I am a terrified, brainwashed little fool. Can’t help you.”

A week ago, a “no room at the inn” meme might have worked.

Since Christmas is passed, how about we go with:

And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it for one of the least of these brothers or sisters of Mine, you did it for Me.’

matthew 25:40

“The fact that ‘show me your papers,’ especially in the wake of a natural disaster, is acceptable by any stretch of the imagination, is terrifying. This normalization of dehumanizing people over their choice to take an experimental drug must stop. We are Americans. We stand together, we fight together, and we get through challenging times— together. This isn’t a conditional principle or ideology. It is our culture. The powers that be want to erode and destroy that culture because there is power in numbers, which has afforded us peace through strength. I urge Americans to remind themselves that the United States of America is still the Greatest Experiment in history. But, we cannot rest on our laurels and pretend that this Greatest Experiment is too big to fail. We have thrived because of our humanity, and I ask you, where is it now? Be human. Be American. Be unconditionally committed to lifting up your community. This is how we thrive.”

Steph Lee

Well said.

Despite the fact that the official narrative tells us that the Covid-19 vaccines are safe and effective, the CDC also tells us that vaccinated people can still contract, spread, get sick and die from Covid-19. Boosters every six months (max) are now required to maintain efficacy.

There are actually people who still listen to the CDC. Can you imagine being that gullible and/or brainwashed and/or afraid?

That doesn’t even address the tens of thousands of reports of vaccine injuries from this experimental gene therapy

Against that backdrop, there are many people in our communist triple majority state that think unvaccinated people are somehow a danger. I don’t get it – we aren’t even the ones shedding spike proteins all over everyone. But here we are.

It’s time to admit to yourself that you’ve been had, vaxxers.

whom do you want in your community?

To be clear, we should be one community. Medical condition shouldn’t come into the equation at all. Discrimination based on medical condition has been frowned upon since Biblical leprosy.

But the triple communist government in Colorado, and in Washington D.C., and all those who swear allegiance to The Regime have divided and segregated our society into clean and unclean. So the question needs to be asked. 

The answer is pretty darn easy for me. My community is composed of leaders. Every single one of us is a leader that is delivering results within our own domains and collaborating across domains to benefit from our collective scale. Because we are leaders of all ages (#elle), within 2-3 hours of news breaking about the fire, we were connected and acting in every corner of the state to bring supplies, support, and relief.

Other “communities” are too afraid of a winter bug to help their fellow humans in an unprecedented time of need. So, for me, it’s not even a question. 

Alice was right. It is absolutely God that has brought this community together, and obviously He has given us everything we need to govern ourselves and look out for each other. And the power of a community that runs on the Holy Spirit cannot be measured. 

If you want to join us, well, come on! Otherwise, just sit back and watch us work.


Please pray without ceasing for those impacted by this devastation. If you’re in a position to help by giving or volunteering, please reach out to FEC United or many of the other local charities accepting donations and coordinating support. If you need additional help figuring out where to give support reach out in the comments or hit me up on Telegram, and I can help. 

The Middleton Family, Holly at Altitude, Todd Watkins (for EPC Sheriff), Marie Watkins, Julie P, Elbert Patriot, and everyone quoted within contributed to this reporting. Even this article was a community effort! 


  1. Jeany+rush Avatar

    Thank you Ashe for a true effort in reporting truth and real events. This is so very much needed ! Our voices have been so under attack and totally censured as well as silenced. We must not ever let that stand. Through our communities we show true humanity and love of our nation!!!! Bravo. Gammy Sparkles here. Aka. Jeany Rush.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. asheinamerica Avatar
  2. Teresa Linder Avatar

    Thank you for the honest, inspiring reporting!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Vanessa Avatar

    My neighbor sent a group text message offering her home to any vaccinated people who needed help. My husband had to wrestle the phone out of my hand before I blew up the entire neighborhood. Who are these evil people?

    Liked by 1 person

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