liberty’s springtime

I met her in springtime,

When I learned how to bleed,

She told me my pain,

Was what made me free.

She held me beside her,

I suckled her breast.

I pondered her mysteries,

She took me out West.

But Liberty’s springtime,

Gave way to my own,

So I left her behind me,

And went on alone.

She tried to protest.

But I waved her goodbye,

And then I noticed,

The tear in her eye.

So came the winter,

And sorrow took hold,

Around me was darkness,

It mirrored my soul.

But then it was springtime,

She found me again.

She tickled my mind well,

I took her to bed.

Then how I knew her,

She new me the same,

Showed me her mysteries,

Gave me a name.

But when came the winter,

They told me, “feel shame.”

I turned out, a coward,

And watched her in pain.

The forced wide her garden,

And took as they pleased.

They tore off her garments,

Forced her to her knees.

They bound her in shackles,

And took her away.

Though I was silent,

I begged her to stay.

When it dawned springtime,

From the bars of her cage.

I heard my love cry out,

“Remember Your Name.”

And that’s when He found her,

Broke, down on the ground.

Though she was weeping,

She made not a sound.

He came over her slowly,

And gathered her up.

Her eyes showed betrayal,

Had broken her heart.

He fed her and clothed her,

Anointed her skies.

And now she shines Glory,

Please just lift your eyes.

Oh, Liberty’s Springtime,

It’s coming today.

Her sweet voice is calling,

“Remember Your Name.”

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